Sunday, June 30, 2013

Welcome to the 2013 Road to Williamsport

Hello everyone to another year of the Little League International Tournament. We're really going to blow it out of the box this year. We're going to have more contributors to the blog, so I don't have the brunt of the writing.

We have representatives from New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Washington D.C in the states. We'll see if anyone wants to contribute from outside the region as well. Our first guest entry is going to be written all the way from Japan though. It's extremely insightful into what it takes to get through the Japanese National Tournament on the way to Williamsport, Pennsylvania for the Little League World Series.

If you'd like to be a contributor with any recaps, previews, history, general thoughts, or anything really... just email me:

Check back daily. Thanks!

-John Malone, blog creator

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